Filling Rooms with Chairs, Tables and Hope for a Bright Future
By Tamania J. Naqi, Social Media Coordinator
We have some exciting updates on CEF’s Twitti School Project, which is supporting Friends for Zambia's efforts to build a three-classroom building. CEF is now donating an additional $12,000 to fill the rooms with furniture: desks, chairs, book shelves and blackboards.
Friends for Zambia (FFZ) is a Canadian charity raising money to build a school in a rural farming community of Zambia. The founders of FFZ were formerly teachers in Zambia and worked with Zambians Simon and Lydia Maonde in the 1970s. The Maondes had a long career in education and diplomatic service in Zambia and retired to a farming community south of the capital city, Lusaka. This community had no school and the Maondes started taking in children in their house to provide basic schooling. After 15 years, the Maondes were teaching approximately 200 children in their home in shifts from preschool to grade seven. The Maondes, now 73 and 81, asked for help to build a school for the community so that the children could move from their house to a school, and to create a legacy for the community that would last after the Maondes have gone.
The three-classroom building that CEF donated will be complete in the summer of 2012 and allow an additional 150-200 children from the surrounding villages to attend school. These villages have no other school. Many of the children are orphaned, as HIV/AIDS is prevalent in Zambia. There are more children than adults in these villages. The Twitti School is already self supporting. The nominal fees paid by the students provide the funds to operate the school and pay the eight teachers. The Parent Teacher Council raises money to assist with maintenance and operations
The additional funding from CEF will furnish the new school building, making it ready for the students to move in and start school. Can't wait to share pictures when the new school year starts!
Another exciting update is that the administration of the Twitti School is considering providing adult learning classes in after-school hours. The school is in discussions with the Ministry of Education and we will keep you updated!