The Bright Future of CEF
By Dan Rogers
I’ve been pondering what and how to write about the Compassionate Eye Foundation for a while now. Do you know that feeling when you are so deeply embedded in something that the milestones seem to come and go naturally? Well, I have stuck my head up and looked around and realize how much has happened and is happening at CEF. Let me explain.
CEF is 12 years old and at our AGM recently, we brought on five new Board members. Five folks, from a variety of walks of life, so captivated by our mission and our work that they put up their hand and said “sure, I’ll volunteer to help in whatever way you need me." And need them we do. CEF is getting more complex and involved in so many things that we need these dynamic, skilled people. So thank you to them, to all 16 Board members and a special shout out to all of the former Board members who still keep us in their hearts. You know who you are.
CEF held our annual Strategic Planning session on June 10th and we were thrilled to have two out of town Board members join us in person and former Board member, Liz Wong, attend as our facilitator. What a treat. We reviewed our funding model, our structure and made plans for our “end user” strategy which shows so much promise.
As new people join us, we make new connections, and two of those have led to the development of a wonderful new “book” about CEF and our mission. The word book doesn’t do it justice, as it is a work of art. I wish I could explain it properly, but until you see and feel it, you won’t appreciate the wonderful art and inspiration that has gone into it. Many thanks to Robyn Sussel (Board member extraordinaire) and especially Antonia Goga, a graphic designer and one of the new Board members mentioned above. The countless hours spent on this project will spread the word to the design world of who we are.
Our photo season is upon us. We have done a couple of shoots already, but Kate Stevens is plotting out our schedule and our photographers. If you read this, have shot for us before, and want to help again, get in touch. We continue to work to maximize every dollar spent on a production. The industry is challenging and we are working to tweak our model and push our sales through direct contact with those that use images and video clips from Getty. Our amazing Executive Director, Melody Jacobson, guides all of that, and much more, on a daily basis.
I think of our project partners often. Of Cambodia and Ethiopia and Nepal and Guatemala and the children and communities we are tied into. I hear stories of children in distress at the US border or in Gaza or elsewhere and think of the children I personally have met. And I think of the stories of successes we know about. About a young boy named Pisu who was supported by CEF through KIDS and now has a job in Siem Reap. Of the kids in Ethiopia who got to go to school because of the programs we funded. We make a difference. And you make a difference. Thank you for keeping CEF in your hearts.
“ We make a difference. And you make a difference. Thank you for keeping CEF in your hearts.”