CEF Goes to Africa - Great Photo of CEF Board Member Robert Brown in Africa
By Rey Buenaventura, CEF Social Media Manager We wanted to share a great email from CEF Board Member, Robert Brown to his long-time friend and CEF founder, Robert Kent. Robert Brown is one of our CEF board members traveling through Africa looking to experience, first hand, the impact of our foundation's work. From everyone back home, we also want to take this opportunity to send Robert, Sue, Michael, Dan and Susan our heartfelt thanks for sharing such wonderful thoughts and images over the past two weeks. You are all missed!
"We have just finished six days of traveling here in Ethiopia visiting projects with Partners in the Horn of Africa (PIHA). Truly an unbelievable experience. One which I will never forget. PIHA has one focus (which I know is close to your heart) they are super clear that the only feasible way to turn the tide and make a difference is to educate the girls. Everthing they do is directly of indirectly connected to this goal.
Thank you (Robert Kent) for creating CEF as I am seeing the massive contribution it is making towards a better world. So it has given me this life altering experience."
Robert Brown