Q&A with London Photographer Jasper White
In Hye Lee, Social Media Coordinator
London-based photographer Jasper White was the eye behind the simple yet unique photographs from the "Kids from Above" photo shoot, part of CEF's 2012 Summer Photo Shoot campaign. I recently had the chance to chat with Jasper and learn more about how he became involved with the foundation.
CEF: How long have you been a photographer?
Jasper: I've been a photographer for about ten years now. I've always been into art and photography since I was young, so it was kind of a natural thing to go into. I guess it started with a relative buying me a camera, but I've always been into art and photography since I can remember.
CEF: What kinds of projects do you enjoy pursuing as a photographer?
Jasper: Quirky art projects, a lot of the time. Mainly of characters and of spaces, people's identities through their space, that kind of thing. I like to pursue ideas of territory, belonging, identity, and national identity.
CEF: How did you get involved with CEF?
Jasper: I got involved through Fiona Watson (CEF's Global Art Director and Production Coordinator), who's a friend. She asked me if I wanted to get involved and it seemed like a nice thing to do. CEF is a good charity to get involved with and it seemed like a good opportunity to do something that I can do as a photographer. It made sense, really.
CEF: What was the "Kids from Above" photo shoot like?
Jasper: Basically we were making tableaus with kids from very high up. I was about 11 meters high, and we had walkie-talkies and megaphones, and a projector which we used as a kind of template. It's great to do creative work, but it's also got to be sellable work. We originally came up with ideas that involved being outdoors, but in the end we opted for the studio, because fundamentally it's about maximizing the day and getting the most out of it. The alphabet idea was Fiona's. It was genius, really, because it's something you can use over and over again. And I was happy to help. It's always good to help out and do something different now and again.
CEF: What was the best thing about working with CEF?
Jasper: I suppose if there's one thing I could take from it, it's that most of the people there were there for free, but were happy to be there. It's nice to do something that's not solely about making money for yourself. That sense of doing good.
If you would like to see more of Jasper's work, check out his website. Check out our Flickr page for more amazing shots from the "Kids from Above" photo shoot.