The People of CEF: John Grant
Leah Yee, Social Media Manager
John Grant is the Associate Director of Simon Fraser University’s Alumni Relations office. When he’s not busy providing services to the university’s 130,000 alumni across the world, he is working hard as the editor of Compassionate Eye Foundation’s internal newsletter, In Focus.
Before John joined CEF, the board was keen to figure out a way to share information and updates with our numerous core volunteers. CEF has always recognized that effective communication is vital and that it is important that volunteers know the direction the organization is moving in. And so, in collaboration with Executive Director Susan McDonald, John created In Focus, a monthly email update sent to volunteers and contributors. First and foremost came figuring out which types of content are of most interest to the group. Each month, following the board meeting, John is sent the high level items that the board wishes to share with volunteers. He then tweaks some of the content, adds links and images, and formats the overall piece before sending it out.
John first encountered CEF at the 2012 Timeraiser Vancouver event. He was instantly drawn to the concept of combining photography with international development projects. As John says, “it seemed like an incredible concept and sure enough it’s turned out to be a really great organization to work with”. Through Timeraiser John pledged to volunteer 100 hours with Vancouver non-profits, including CEF. He has since accomplished this goal but he isn’t stopping there! John plans to continuing working as the In Focus editor in the future. Being so dedicated to this project is not without its unique challenges – namely finding the time to accomplish so much as a full-time SFU employee, recent Master of Education graduate, and enthusiastic volunteer – however it is a challenge he happily accepts.
When asked about what advice he would share with other CEF volunteers, John recommends that others try to attend a photo shoot. John was our behind the scenes correspondent at the 2013 Family – Work, Rest, and Play shoot with Steven Errico, and he named this as his favourite CEF experience thus far: “It was super cool!”
Thank you for all your contributions, John. We are excited to have you as part of the CEF family now and in the future!